Countless individuals have replaced missing teeth with jaw-bone anchored tooth implants. Unlike a dental bridge, a tooth implant consists of a titanium post inserted into the jaw bone. The bone meshes with the post to create a strong base for the natural-looking prosthetic tooth and crown that attaches to the post. Bone Loss from Missing […]
Health Habits To Keep You Smiling
In today’s post, we will focus on critical behaviors that affect oral health. Of course, effective brushing and flossing are two critical habits for healthy teeth, but there are many more things we can do to preserve a healthy smile. Diet For Healthy Teeth Do eat a nutritious diet with a variety of foods. This […]
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Teeth
Children’s teeth are soft until about age 10. A tooth with a crown can get a cavity. Your gum tissue is as important as your teeth. Some prescription meds can increase your risk of decay. Some home faucet water filters remove fluoride. 19 percent of kids between the ages of 2 and 19 have untreated […]
Danger Zone! 5 Signs Of Gum Disease
Here is some important news for anyone who cares about their dental health: periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a primary cause of tooth loss among adults. There is also evidence that it is connected to heart disease. Fortunately, this problem is easy to treat if it is found in the early stages. What warning signs […]
Discover Why Patients Trust Their Smile To La Costa Dental Excellence
Hi, I’m Doctor Stephen and Kimberly Dankworth. Practicing dentistry at La Costa Dental Excellence is enjoyable and rewarding. I appreciate the relationships I have formed with my valued patients who trust me to care for their teeth. If you are one of my patients, let me thank you personally for allowing me to serve your […]
Your Smile Doesn’t Have To Show Your Age
As we grow older, we may welcome many changes. However, most Carlsbad retirees do not welcome wrinkles, gray hair and dental problems. Fortunately, your smile can be attractive and healthy throughout your golden years! Even if your teeth are showing visible signs of wear such as enamel loss, staining, and chips, it is not too […]