Conquering Dental Anxiety
Dental sedation at La Costa Dental Excellence is an ideal option for most any patient who has a fear of the dentist and is seeking an anxiety free, comfortable dentistry experience in the Carlsbad area. If you experience dental anxiety and wonder if dental sedation is right for your dental needs, consider the following questions:
- Do you experience dental anxiety or fear when you think about going to the dentist?
- Do you have a fear of the dentist?
- Has another dentist ever provided you with painful or poor dental care?
- Are you in need of a dental procedure that may be considered complex?
- Would you like the ability to have more than one dental procedure completed during a single visit?
- Is your gag reflex overly responsive?
- Do you have a hard time sitting still in the dental chair?
- Do you have hypersensitive teeth?
- Do you have a pain threshold that is low or nonexistent?
- Are your fears causing you to avoid going to the dentist altogether?
With the professionalism and compassion we supply at La Costa Dental Excellence, along with our gently administered dental sedation, Dr. Dankworth and our friendly staff may help you conquer your fear of the dentist once and for all.
“I didn’t realize how much technology had changed. I didn’t know that dentistry could actually be pleasant!”
– Greg
Fear of the Dentist? Overcome Your Dental Anxiety in Carlsbad!
Come by or give us a call and let us help you feel better about dental procedures and put your fears to rest. We are eager to help our patients from Carlsbad, Encinitas, and San Marcos CA experience anxiety-free dental procedures!