If you are afraid of your dentist, you are not alone. At La Costa Dental Excellence, we encounter many nervous dental patients. How do we calm their fears, provide a comfortable dental environment, and earn lifelong patients?
1) We carefully explain the findings of the initial dental examination and thoroughly outline any recommended treatment. The consultation also includes a discussion about pain control including oral conscious sedation. This allows our dentistry patients to make enlightened decisions about their oral health and necessary dental care.
2) Drs. Stephen and Kimberly Dankworth practice gentle, pain-free dentistry. Dental treatment will not begin until you are numb. Keep in mind, however, that every dentistry patient reacts to numbing agents and sedation medications differently.
Speak up promptly if you start to feel discomfort. We will pause treatment, administer an additional analgesic and wait until it takes effect. At La Costa Dental Excellence, we never rush the dental visit.
3) We provide many in-office amenities at La Costa Dental Excellence which help our dental patients focus on something pleasant during dental treatment. Not every dental patient chooses sleep dentistry. Sometimes chemical-free diversions such as listening to your favorite music provide a distraction while letting you remain clear-headed.
At La Costa Dental Excellence, we understand dental anxiety and will help you overcome it. To schedule a friendly consultation, call 760-633-3033 or visit https://www.lacostadentalexcellence.com/.
Contact La Costa Dental Excellence:
Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):
7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd Ste 106
Carlsbad, California